Choose the Perfect Door Colour that Goes Well with Your Brick Home in Brisbane

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  • Choose the Perfect Door Colour that Goes Well with Your Brick Home in Brisbane
Posted on 18th, Feb 22

Let the Door Colours of your home make you feel warm and welcoming

Brick houses are a unique sight to behold. Not only do they serve as effective construction materials, but they also add visual value to any architecture. In addition, it gives a comforting and homey feel whenever you step inside a homemade of bricks.

When you are interested in building a house made of bricks, selecting the right fixtures can be tricky. Bricks also come in different hues and can’t be painted over, unlike a concrete wall. That is why it is essential to select the suitable door fitting that is a good match for your brick aesthetic.

How to select the perfect door color for your brick house

Color combination can be hard for some especially when you are choosing for your home. Here are some pointers you can follow.

Visualize the look that you are going for. Before you start buying doors, you should first visualize what your door installation and windows should look like together with your brick wall. It would be best to have a vibe or feel you are going for so choosing a door will not be difficult.

You can take inspiration online for selecting the right door color that would go with the color of your bricks. Online platforms like Pinterest and Houzz have pictures of other brick houses that you can use as references.

Consider your neighborhood aesthetic. Australia has a long history with brick houses, and many neighborhoods in the country are made up of brick homes. These neighborhoods create beautiful and picturesque scenery that make them unique.

For this reason, you should consider the visual that your neighborhood is going for. Try not to stand out too much, but don’t choose doors with no character either.

Learn basic color groupings. You might not notice it, but bricks come in different hues. Apart from the most common red brick color, some bricks are browner or more orange than others.

During door fitting, the door color should either be analogous or complementary to the color of your bricks.

Complementary colors. You can find these colors opposite each other on the color wheel. For instance, you can match a red brick wall with a forest green door. The gloomy hue of the green is contrary to the striking shade of red. Pairing the green and the red creates a low-key balance that is not too attention-grabbing but is pleasing to the eyes at the same time.

Analogous colors. Colors analogous sit next to each other on the color wheel, like red and orange or blue and purple. This style may be a little bit difficult to work with. However, the trick is to use contrasting shades. For example, a dark brown wall can work well with light brown door frames.

Seek help from companies that offer door installation and repairs. Experts who provide door repairs or services know to help you choose the right door color that can go well with your brick wall.

Professionals can also help with your door fitting and repairs and can even make suggestions on a particular door style like French doors.

Color combinations that can help you choose the color of your door

If you’re not a fan of experimenting with colors, then here are some suggestions so that you can match your door color to your brick wall.

  • Classic combinations. The standard colors commonly paired with brick walls are navy, dark green, and black. It is because dark colors are easy to work with and can quickly work with the various hues of bricks.
  • Complementing colors. Teal and jade are greens that go nicely with red brick. However, it would be best to be mindful of the brick shades to create a nice balance between the colors.
  • Red on red is a bold choice for people who prefer eye-catching doors. You can use a darker red for your entry for white or lighter shaded bricks.

Choosing the right door color for your home can be a little complicated when you have a brick house. You would have to consider many factors, especially when it comes to color combination and aesthetics.

A good Door Company in Brisbane will help you if you’re having a problem choosing the right door for your house. They aren’t only focused on services like a door hanging, door repairs or service, and door installation, but they can also assist you in choosing the perfect door that can make your house feel more like home.


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